Importing from UPS Worldship - Back to Address Import Help
There are several steps to export an address book from the UPS Online Worldship software. Note that the UPS website is often confused with the UPS Online Worldship software that is installed locally on a computer, so make sure you are clear on which of these you are working with. These instructions are for version 5.0, but it may be similar enough for any other versions as well. Otherwise, the software's help files or UPS technical support may be able to walk you through it.
If you know you are using the installed software, then start up UPS Online Worldship. On the menu at the top, go to UPS Online Connect and choose Create/Edit Map.
Halfway down the page in the section for New Maps, click the radio button for Export data from Worldship and click the checkbox beneath it to Export CSV. Make sure Address is selected in the drop-down menu, and type a name for this export map (e.g. myaddressbook). Note that this name is not for the file that will eventually be exported--rather, it's just a name for this function that we're performing (exporting an address book in this case) since there are several types of exports available. Then click the Create button to the right of the name you've entered.
A new window should pop up, and you need to click the button on the left to Add All Columns. On the right, click the radio button to Overwrite existing file and click the nearby checkbox to Include header row. Now click the button to Define CSV File Name.
A dialog box should pop up asking where you want to save the address book export file and what you want to name it. Be sure that you can remember where you're saving this file to! Note the folder it's being saved to--if you want, you can make it something easy like the Desktop or some simple place on the hard drive. Also, feel free to change the name to whatever you like, or just leave it as the default (probably UPS_CSV_EXPORT). Click the Save button to close this dialog box, and then click OK on each to close out of the other 2 windows.
You should now be back at the main screen. Once again, go up to the UPS Online Connect menu, but this time choose Batch Export and select the batch export name you created from the list. Be careful, because there is already a default export in there that may have a name similar to yours, but it does something a little different from what we want.
On the lower right, in the Address Books tab, click all the checkboxes unless you're sure of the only ones that you have addresses in. Then click the Next button.
On the next window, click Next again.
Click Save, and then go find that file you just exported in the location you chose to save it in. For instance, if you chose to save it to the C drive earlier and left the default name on there, then you should find it in C:\UPS_CSV_EXPORT.csv.
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